Welcome! 👋
This is my website. How are you liking it so far? In the future I hope to document my personal projects here and maybe show off some web development skills 👨💻. For now, you'll just have to check out the content on this home page, my first blog posts, or the simple text editor tool. The plan is to also add some games and a library soon. All content on this website is created by me, a real person ⛔🤖.
This website went live on April 17th of 2024! I build it by following this great tutorial. The styling is somewhat inspired by simple.css. Recently (10/01/2025) I wrote a script for my server that automatically updates the website when editing it from my pc. This made changing the website a frictionless process, which will hopefully result in more updates.
Why is this website called Parts Apart?
One of the first things you might wonder after visiting this site is: why is it called Parts Apart? Well, there is a reason for it and it is because of a word square. Let me explain what that is. This starts with telling you what a magic square 🪄 is. Wikipedia defines a magic square as "a square array of numbers, usually positive integers (whole numbers), where the sums of the numbers in each row, each column, and both main diagonals are the same." But a picture probably explains it better:
As you can see, all different directions result in a sum of 15. Can you construct a magic square of size 3x3 that sums to 14? This is a lot more difficult than it might seem. In fact, such a square does not exist. See this link for an explanation of why this is the case.
Finding magic squares gets more difficult when they get larger. Ancient Chinese mathematicians found them up to a size of 9x9. The largest one found so far is of size 19x19. A lot more can be learned about magic squares on this Wikipedia page. Learning about magic squared led me to also learn about word squares.
Word squares are similar to magic squares, but they are made with letters, not numbers. Also, instead of each row, column, and diagonal summing to the same number, word squares read the same in 4 directions. ➡️⬇️⬆️⬅️
When I first learned about word squares, I wrote a python 🐍 script that could find them, given a dictionary. I gave it the English dictionary and found a 5x5 word square that might have never been found before, at least I could not find a reference to it on the internet. This word square consists of the words Parts Apart Radar Trapa Strap. A trapa is apparently a type of water plant 🌿. I found this square quite intriguing and decided to 3D-print it to display it on my desk:
Notice that the words read the same from left to right, top to bottom, right to left (start bottom right) and bottom to top (start bottom right). Another reasons I find this square interesting is that it contains my first name, Art 🖼️, at least eight times (or twelve if you count angled words). This is why I chose Parts Apart as a website name. The .xyz extension is just for fun.